

  1. 提升市民預防皮膚病的能力,糾正社會對皮膚病患者的偏見;
  2. 對弱勢社羣、弱智人仕、老人、長期病患者提供皮膚病的篩查服務和所需評估;
  3. 令慢性皮膚疾病患者得到心理上和生活上的適當支援;
  4. 促進慢性皮膚患者及其家庭成員的「全人健康」,包括生活質量,幸福感和自我治療效能等;
  5. 開展皮膚疾病相關的科學研究,包括疾病的預防,診斷,調查和治療方法等;
  6. 培訓基層護理人員;
  7. 推動國際和跨學科合作,交流皮膚疾病在公共教育,預防和治療上的先進知識;
  8. 倡導有效的公共政策和支援性環境以減少皮膚疾病的發生。

The main objectives of the Foundation are:

  1. To promote the prevention of skin diseases in the public, the elderly and the underprivileged populations;
  2. To screen for skin problems and assess the dermatology service needs for the underprivileged populations such as patients with Down’s syndrome, the elderly and those with chronic illness;
  3. To provide information, assistance, and advice to patients with chronic skin diseases as well as the general public to reduce stigma and discrimination;
  4. To foster holistic wellness, including quality of life, the sense of well-being and self-efficacy, among patients with chronic skin diseases and their family members;
  5. To organize dermatology courses for nurses and health related workers;
  6. To carry out scientific research and studies relating to the management of skin diseases in Hong Kong including the prevention, diagnosis, investigation and treatment of persons with these diseases;
  7. To foster cross disciplinary collaborations and international exchange on the advances in public education, prevention and management of skin diseases;
  8. To advocate for effective public policies and provisions of supportive environment to reduce skin diseases.