(1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023)

I. Work at the Free Skin Clinic
Starting from 2016, we have been offering the free skin clinic twice weekly, providing
professional skin care services to patients. During this period, over 700 mentally retarded
patients and those receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance benefited from the service.
II. Online Dermatology Nursing Course
From January to March 2023, We held an online dermatology nursing course. For the online dermatology nursing course, a total of 100 students enrolled. The course structure includes a written assessment as a requirement for certification.

  • Assessment and Certification:
    • Written Assessment: 30% of the students (30 individuals) successfully completed and passed the written assessment, earning a certificate ofcompletion.
    • Attendance Certificate: The remaining 70% of the students (70 individuals) did not take the written assessment but met the attendance criteria by attending over 70% of the course. They were issued a certificate of attendance.
  • Statistics:
    • The overall completion rate for the course, considering both certificates, was 100%.
  • Remarks:
    • The high completion rate is a testament to the effectiveness of the online delivery method, which allowed students from diverse backgrounds to access high-quality dermatology nursing education.
    • The course structure encourages both depth of knowledge and breadth of learning, as students who complete the written assessment demonstrate a strong grasp of the subject matter while those who meet the attendance criteria show a commitment to ongoing learning and development.
    • Future iterations of the course may consider additional assessment methods to further evaluate student understanding and skills.

III. Successful Hosting of the Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium 2023

On October 22, 2023, We successfully hosted the Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium 2023. This event attracted experts, scholars, and practitioners from various fields, with over 200 participants. The meeting discussed and exchanged ideas on current hot topics in the field of dermatology, achieving complete success.

IV. Attendance at the Cross-Straits Medicine Exchange Association Conference

In June 2023, I attended the Cross-Straits Medicine Exchange Association Conference held in Xiamen. The conference discussed in depth the cooperation and exchange in the field of medicine across the Taiwan Straits, and I gained a lot from this experience.

V. Future Plan: Enhancing Web Teaching on Geriatric Dermatology
In the upcoming year, I plan to enhance web teaching on geriatric dermatology on our current website (HKDF/HK) by posting a weekly / bi-weekly blog on this topic for a period of 16 weeks.
The topics will include:

  1. Importance of skin health among the elderlyIn this blog, we will discuss the unique
    challenges faced by elderly individuals regarding skin health and the importance of
    maintaining skin wellness as we age. We will explore factors that impact skin health in the elderly, such as decreased elasticity, increased fragility, and increased risk of skin diseases. We will also provide practical tips and advice on how to maintain skin health in this age group.
  2. Early detection of skin cancer in the elderlySkin cancer is one of the most common
    cancers affecting elderly individuals. In this blog, we will explain the signs and symptoms of skin cancer and the importance of early detection. We will provide guidance on how to perform self-exams and when to seek medical attention. Additionally, we will discuss treatment options and provide resources for further information and support.

By posting these blogs, I aim to provide valuable information and resources on geriatric dermatology to our website visitors. This will help raise awareness about skin health issues among the elderly and encourage earlier detection and treatment of skin diseases in this population. It will also serve as a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences in this field, fostering greater collaboration and exchange among professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Prepared by Dr Luk Nai Ming
Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation
Date: 1 April 2024