Director’s report


Due to the social disturbance in 2019 and Covid-19 pandemic since 2020, Foundation’s activities had been heavily affected. Between the periods 1 January 2019 to 31 December, 2020, the foundation has completed the following activities:

  1. Nursing Education (Webinar)
    25/11/2020 7:00 – 8:30 pm
    ‘Pruritus and Dry Skin in Elderly’
    Organizer: Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff
    Sponsor: Ego Pharmaceuticals HK Ltd
  2. Multidisciplinary Atopic Dermatitis Clinic
    Two batches of atopic dermatitis patients were seen within 2019 and early 2020. Three sessions for each batch were conducted with initial assessment, education and final assessment roughly 6-8 weeks apart. The feedback from the attendants were positive. However due to Covid-19 epidemic, the clinic was suspended. In retrospect, it was not cost-effective in conducting this sort of clinic and therefore an
    educational booklet together with a series of 10 educational video clips were repared for atopic dermatitis patients.
  3. Talk
    1. 13/3/2019 (3:30 – 5:30 pm)
      ‘Cutaneous complications of body art: Piercing and Tattoo’
      Organizer: Tung Wah College
    2. 27/10/2019 (9:00 – 9:30 am)
      Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium 2019
      ‘Cutaneous complications of Body Art’
      Organizer: Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation
  4. Free skin clinic service (2 days per week)
    Between 1 January 2019 and 31 December, 2021. We had offered 162 free clinic sessions and seeing more than 1000 patients. Due to the fact that many CSSA patients were not attached to any of our referring partners, we accepted clinic booking by person after identifying their CSSA status. We also extended our eligible patients to those who had permanent physical disabilities.
  5. Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium
    The Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium 2019 was successfully held on 7 October, 2019 at the Shaw Auditorium, Prince of Wales Hospital Shatin. Over 300 attendants participated in the function. Unfortunately the Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium 2020 was withhold due to the pandemic.
  6. Interview
    1. TVB Sunday Report
      Broadcasted on 30 August, 2020
      On ‘Psychosocial effect of skin diseases’
  7. International exchange
    Attended the 45th Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Dermatological Association held between 13 and 15
    December, 2019 at Kaohsiung Exhibition Center as part of the international exchange and volunteers’ training.
  8. Public education video
    During the report period, the following educational video clips had been made
    1. 10 clips on 3 分鐘濕疹常識
    2. 12 clips on 長者皮膚護理
  9. Publication
    Prevalance, attitude and risk knowledge towards body art among Hong Kong college student: a single institution study. Hong Kong J Dermatol. Venereol. Autumn 2020, Vol.28 No. 3.
  10. Future Plan
    i) Application of the clinic license as stipulated by law
    ii) Looking for volunteer staff for book-keeping and preparation of financial statement
    iii) Continue free skin clinic and looking for more appropriate referral sources
    iv) Making of educational video clips on various skin diseases.

Prepared by Dr. Luk Nai Ming

Feb, 2021